Who is PEP Consulting?
PEP Consulting is Shay Riley-Lewis, a qualified Environmental Planner with over 20 years experience. PEP Consulting delivers Positive Environmental Planning for both public and private clients, collaborating with hand-picked external experts for specific projects as required.
Shay Riley-Lewis BEnvSc(EnvMgt), GDURP, CPP, MPIA
Director, Principal Environmental Planner
Shay has expertise and experience in environmental impact assessment, community engagement, strategic and statutory planning, development assessment and project management. Shay has a wealth of experience in consultation and specialty skill in statutory planning. Shay has undertaken a broad range of environmental impact assessments, environmental licenses and approvals for both private and government clients.
Planning, Environment & Consultation
PEP Consulting (formerly SG Consulting) was established by Shay Riley-Lewis in 2009 with a view to providing exciting, innovative planning solutions that provide real opportunity for positive environmental planning.
PEP Consulting focuses on finding solutions for clients that we can all be proud of.
PEP Consulting specialise in navigating the gauntlet of legislation, politics and community expectations to facilitate positive development outcomes.
PEP Consulting provides short-term contract planning services for both private and government clients.
Services include:
- environmental impact assessment (SEE, REF, EA, EIS)
- community engagement
- expert witness
- feasibility studies (due diligence)
- strategic planning (master plans, structure plans, land use strategies)
- statutory planning (LEP, DCP, LSPS, Plans of Management)
- infrastructure route options assessment
- project management