Environmental Impact Assessment
- Community Recycling Facility Statement of Environmental Effects, St Marys, Toxfree. Prepared a Statement of Environmental Effects and Environmental Protection Licence application for the establishment of public hazardous waste drop off facility at a site in St Marys.
- Various development applications (with CityPlan). Including modifications to consents, rezonings, residential flat buildings, Part 3A response to submissions reporting.
- Wagga Gasworks Remediation Statement of Environmental Effects, Enviropacific Services. Prepared a Statement of Environmental Effects and Environmental Protection Licence application for establishment of a chemical immobilisation and solidification processing facility for the remediation of gasworks contaminated waste.
- Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility Statement of Environmental Effects, Hazmat Services Pty Ltd. Prepared a Statement of Environmental Effects and Environmental Protection Licence application for the establishment of hazardous waste treatment processes at a site in Heatherbrae.
- Wentworth Point Part 3A Concept Plan Environmental Assessment, NSW Maritime (in conjunction with Newplan). Preparation of EA of a proposed redevelopment of 18.6ha at Homebush Bay Peninsula. Review and incorporation of ecology, geology, contamination, air, noise, traffic and engineering specialist studies in concept plan development and assessment.
- Residential development assessments under Nation Building and Jobs Program, HousingNSW. Site assessments to identify development potential (including seniors living) of various sites across NSW for redevelopment for multi-unit public housing. Review of architectural designs, Council liaison, community consultation and assessment under ISEPP, AHSEPP and NBJP Act.
- Commuter Car Park Blacktown Railway Station, Review of Environmental Factors, TIDC. Site analysis and preparation of preliminary constraints assessment and planning assessment.
- Part 3A Approval Modification and Environment Protection Licence Modification, Chemsal St Marys. Preparation of Environmental Assessment (EA) of chemical immobilisation and solidification process for modification of existing planning approval under Part 3A EPAA.
- Third Hunter River Crossing Supplementary Review of Environmental Factors, Newcastle, Roads and Traffic Authority. Revised assessment under planning and environmental legislation of amendments to the proposed new road, rail bridge and Hunter River bridge crossing.
- Tourle Street Upgrade Supplementary Review of Environmental Factors, Newcastle, NSW Roads and Traffic Authority. Revised assessment under planning and environmental legislation of proposed amendments to bridge replacement.
- Tourle Street Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors, Newcastle, NSW Roads and Traffic Authority. Assessment under planning and environmental legislation. Coordination of specialist environmental impact assessments of ecology, hydrology and heritage.
- Review of Environmental Factors, Electricity Supply Upgrade, Cessnock, NSW, EnergyAustralia. Assessed environmental impact of two new powerline routes. Review of specialist ecology, heritage, visual assessments. Facilitation of community working group.
Environmental Management
- Environment and Community Manager, Aurizon (with Engenicom), Hexham. Ensuring environmental compliance of construction activities for a new train support facility, obtaining environmental protection licences and community engagement activities.
- Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), Aurizon (with Engenicom), Hexham. The role involved providing environmental planning advice on the statutory implications of various design modifications and proposed mitigation measures for this Part 3A project. The CEMP contains the environmental and planning controls for the $126M project’s 18 month construction period.
- Environmental Licence Application, BCD Technologies, Narangba. Prepared licence modification report for direct thermal desorption plant, including environmental impact assessment pursuant to QLD Integrated Planning Act 1997.
- Environmental Management Representative (EMR), Newcastle Rail Platform Extensions, TIDC. Prepared Environmental Management Plans (EMP) for three train station upgrades. Conducted weekly site inspections to ensure compliance with approvals and the EMP.
- Environmental Management System (EMS) Review, New South Wales, RailCorp. Review existing corporate EMSs and operational needs to identify compliance with ISO 14001 and performance gaps and develop strategies for improvement.
Statutory and Strategic Planning
- Hawks Nest Business Area Review, Great Lakes Council (with CityPlan). Reviewed the role of existing planning controls on the functionality of the business area and provided planning control recommendations for improving business growth.
- Retirement Village Expansion Due Diligence Review, ING Garden Villages. A review of the planning and environmental constraints and opportunities for redevelopment of an existing retirement village was undertaken to inform a pre-purchase due diligence review. The review assessed the development yield implications of bushfire, ecology, flooding, Aboriginal heritage and statutory planning controls.
- South West Rocks Development Control Plan 2011, SWRUT Pty Ltd. Design a master plan and prepare a development control plan for development of a 4.6ha site within the coastal zone. Coordinate specialist sub-consultants in contamination, ecology, engineering and bushfire to produce a development layout that maximised urban design benefits of streetscape, connectivity, visual amenity and coastal character.
- Newcastle Coastal Plan of Management (PoM), Newcastle City Council (in conjunction with Envisage Consulting). The plan is the statutory document providing overall strategic direction for ongoing management and use of the public land along the coastline from Dixon Park to Stockton.
- Western Corridor Section 94 Contributions Plan, Newcastle City Council (in conjunction with Newplan). A new statutory contributions plan is being developed to obtain adequate contributions from future development within the Blue Gums Hills to provide the requisite community facilities, open space and recreation facilities required for the predicted population. Work involved population modelling, needs assessment, works costing, GIS mapping and documentation.
- Tamworth Regional Development Control Plan 2010, Tamworth Regional Council. Develop a new consolidated DCP based on the existing 35 DCPs of the amalgamated local government area. The DCP establishes ‘deemed to satisfy’ standards and a ‘fast track’ process that is more streamlined and user-friendly. The DCP established residential, commercial and industrial development standards for the LGA with consideration of factors including urban design, parking, contamination, flooding, biodiversity and heritage.
- Old Bar Section 94 Contribution Plan 2010, Greater Taree Council (in conjunction with Newplan). Review and update of the draft Old Bar Section 94 plan including review of open space needs, road upgrades, land values and engineering costs.
- Hills Plain Development Control Plan, Tamworth, Tamworth Regional Council. Managed the environmental constraints and opportunities assessment of 1100ha site to design a development and conservation layout and associated statutory control plan (DCP).
- Anna Bay North Structure Plan, Port Stephens, Port Stephens Council. The structure plan was for a 100 ha site at Port Stephens. There were significant environmental constraints including koala habitat issues and steep slopes. The new residential area was planned to link with the existing village and included a large green off-set conservation area designed to conserve important habitat.
- Route Options Development Study, Port Stephens, Port Stephens Council. Assessed safety, social, economic and environmental constraints and opportunities to an existing main road to develop road upgrade priorities. Included safety assessment, cost benefit analysis and community consultation.
- North-West Sector Pre-feasibility Assessments, Sydney, NSW, Catholic Diocese Parramatta. Assessed site opportunities and constraints to development to inform acquisition determination. Included review of ecology, geology, services, drainage, statutory and strategic planning.
- Black Hill Master Plan, Cessnock, Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Assessed environmental constraints and opportunities to develop a master plan for site development and conservation. Included community and agency liaison.
- Thornton North Master Plan, Thornton, Maitland City Council. Key author and project coordinator for site analysis and development design for 1100ha site. Reviewed environmental characteristics, community and agency consultation to design a strategic plan for future development and conservation areas.
- Thornton to Killingworth Sub-Regional Conservation and Development Strategy, (former) NSW Department of Planning. Reviewed strategic planning documents, legislation and policies across four local government areas and all tiers of government. Assessed key conservation and development needs for the study area to develop a strategic land use plan.
- Narara to Lisarow Options Study, Narara, Roads and Traffic Authority. Assessed the environmental, traffic and social impacts of various road deviation options through a qualitative and quantitative cost benefit matrix.
- South West Rocks Structure Plan Review, South West Rocks, Kempsey Shire Council. Community consultation, legislative review, government agency liaison, environmental and infrastructure review to develop recommendations for developing an appropriate strategic development and conservation plan.
- Cessnock Settlement Strategy Stage 2, Cessnock, Cessnock City Council. Assessed environmental, social and infrastructure factors across the local government area to identify sufficient and appropriate land for future industrial and commercial needs.
- Site and Route Options Assessment, Cessnock, Energy Australia. Assessed environmental impact of proposed electricity substation locations and transmission line routes. Reviewed legislative impact, community and agency consultation, threatened species assessment, heritage searches, geology, hydrology and visual assessments to determine the preferred powerline route options.
Community Engagement
- Independent Facilitator, Port Stephens Council. Facilitate and report a Public Hearing for a proposed reclassification of land in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 [2014].
- F3 to Newcastle Community Liaison Representative, Newcastle, NSW Roads and Maritime Authority. Prepare the Community Involvement Plan for the detailed design and construction phase of six intersection upgrades along a 13km route. Engage stakeholders and local residents and businesses, manage community complaints and negotiations during the 18month construction period via 1300 hotline [2013].
- Central Coast Highway Upgrade Community Liaison Representative, Hunter Road Services. Engage local residents and businesses to negotiate land acquisitions and obtain approval of nightwork as required by the EPL [2013].
- Branxton Sub-regional Land Use Strategy, Cessnock and Singleton Councils and Department of Planning and Environment (with CityPlan). Prepare and implement the Community Involvement Plan for designing the future land use of the sub-region to 2041. Establish and manage an online community survey to inform the strategy [2015].
- Hawks Nest Business Area, Hawks Nest, NSW, Great Lakes Council (with CityPlan). Prepare and implement the Community Involvement Plan. Present and coordinate community workshops, newsletters and feedback [2015].
- Wallsend Tourism and Accommodation Audit, Regional Development Australia (Hunter) (in conjunction with Property Strategies Australia). Engage stakeholders to determine the existing accommodation supply, key tourism/accommodation demand opportunities and identify suitable land for accommodation development in Wallsend.
- Hawks Nest/Tea Gardens Housing Strategy, Newcastle, NSW, Great Lakes Council. Community displays were prepared and staffed to canvas community feedback on future housing in the area. A survey was prepared and results collated to inform preparation of a housing strategy.
- Route Options Development Study, Port Stephens, North Coast of NSW, Port Stephens Council. Coordinated a community workshop to identify public road upgrade priorities. Detailed safety, economic and environmental constraints were conveyed to the community and feedback mapped and analysed to identify and rank road upgrade options.
- Tourle Street Upgrade Review of Environmental Factors, Newcastle, NSW Roads and Traffic Authority. Coordinated public authority planning focus meeting and community meetings and feedback.
- Thornton North Master Plan, Thornton, Maitland City Council. Coordination of community information evenings and government agency planning focus meeting, design and staffing of public displays and newsletters, council presentations and landowner meetings. Coordinating community feedback into options development and design.
- Thornton-Killingworth Sub-regional Conservation and Development Strategy, Newcastle, Department of Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources. Design and staffing of public displays and information brochure, government and private stakeholder presentations.
- Cessnock Settlement Strategy Stage 2, Cessnock, Cessnock City Council. Coordinated community and stakeholder workshops.
- Kempsey to Eungai Pacific Highway Upgrade, Kempsey, NSW Roads and Traffic Authority. Preparation of newsletters, website, information seminars and community meetings. Facilitating community feedback into options development and design. Reporting community feedback for the options report.
- Bulahdelah Pacific Highway Upgrade, NSW Roads and Traffic Authority. Preparation of newsletters, website, information seminars and community meetings. Facilitating community feedback into options development and design. Reporting community feedback for the options report.
- South West Rocks Structure Plan Review, South West Rocks, Kempsey Shire Council. Developing media releases and facilitating community workshops to discuss the future development of the town.