Shay Riley-Lewis is an experienced Communications specialist and qualified Environmental Planner with over 20 years experience working for both public and private clients to engage with the community and build relationships that facilitate successful development outcomes.
Shay is trained under the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) and has coordinated community involvement programs for a range of infrastructure, development and strategic planning projects including:
- highway route options
- powerline routes
- strategic land use plans
- road upgrades
- train support facilities
Community involvement can range from informative to collaboration depending on the project. Understanding a projects objectives and role of the community in the process is key to designing and implementing a successful communications process. Understanding project negotiables and the level of influence afforded the community on each project directs the engagement methods.
Understanding the local context and specific needs of a community is also key to selecting engagement techniques.
PEP Consulting specializes in community engagement for complex or contentious development projects. The range of engagement activities include:
- Independent facilitation
- Community involvement plans
- Acquisition negotiations
- Newsletters
- Website updates
- Advertisements
- Survey design
- Community information sessions
- Public displays
- One-on-one meetings
Project experience:
- Community Liaison Representative, Pacific Highway Bypass of Scone (Daracon, Transport for NSW)
- Independant Facilitator Community Consultative Committee – Arglen Quarry, Buttai Quarry, Blackhill Quarry
- Property Acquisition Manager, Singleton Bypass (Transport for NSW)
- Community Engagement Co-ordinator, Branxton Sub-regional Land Use Strategy (Cessnock Council, Singleton Council and Department of Planning)
- Environment and Community Manager, Hexham Train Support Facility (Aurizon)
- Community Liaison Representative, Central Coast Highway Upgrade (Hunter Road Services)
- Community Liaison Representative, F3 to Newcastle Intersection Upgrade (Roads and Maritime Services)
- Community Engagement Officer, Kempsey to Eungai Pacific Highway Upgrade (Roads and Maritime Services)
- Project Co-ordinator, Thornton to Killingworth Sub-regional Land Use Strategy (Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources)
- Project Manager, Cessnock Electricity Upgrade (Ausgrid)
- Project Co-ordinator, Hawks Nest Town Centre Study (Great Lakes Council)
- Community Engagement Co-ordinator, South West Rocks Structure Plan Review (Kempsey Shire Council)
- Community Engagement Co-ordinator, Anna Bay Structure Plan (Port Stephens Council)
- Project Co-ordinator, Thornton North Master Plan (Maitland City Council)